About the School
Frewen College specialises in supporting young people aged from 7 to 18 whose education has been adversely affected by specific learning difficulties - dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, or speech and language difficulties. Registered in the Dyslexia Specialist Provision Category of CReSTeD, Frewen College has a national reputation for dyslexia expertise, offering advice to professionals and parents. Originally founded in 1910 we believe we are the oldest such school in the country.
The principal aim of Frewen College is to enable each pupil to fulfill his or her potential, to help them overcome their problems, realise and develop their individual talents and abilities through a unique combination of strategies: curricular, therapeutic and pastoral. Our pupils have frequently encountered severe difficulties in their previous school experience and some were school refusers. We are highly successful in raising low self-esteem and enabling pupils to maximise their talents and abilities.
The College is set in 60 acres of grounds and housed mainly in a Grade 1 listed mansion in Northiam, East Sussex. There are strong links with the local rural community, including the Primary school, Parish Church and local organisations.
Our Prep School has been reorganised over the last year with its own Headmistress and an innovative curriculum. From 2014, the Prep School will extend to encompass Year 7, and Year 8 the following year. We have announced the introduction of a Sixth Form for 2014.
Admissions are from a wide geographic area, drawing pupils from 12 different local authorities. Local Authority funding for Statemented pupils accounts for two thirds of the fee income; ten pupils are funded by the Ministry of Defence and the Foreign Office. A small number of pupils are from overseas, as far as Hong Kong and Malaysia.
The College has 102 pupils (11 September 2013):
The school has a full time SENCO and a second part time Specialist Speech and Language teacher, with SENCO qualifications. Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration Therapy and Auditory Therapy are an integral part of our provision; the well-being of pupils is supported by a Child Psychotherapist. Pupils are entered for examinations in GCSE, Entry Level, OCR Nationals and ASDAN, providing a range of external qualifications across the ability range.
Frewen College is a member of ISA, ISC and BSA, and is a supporting corporate member of the BDA. The school is inspected by Ofsted for both education and boarding. The last full inspection took place in March 2012, when its education was found to be Good, with outstanding features, and boarding was Outstanding. The school is also inspected by Crested on a 3 yearly cycle, being last inspected in Sept 2011. Kent Local Authority monitors the school on behalf of CCRAG (Children’s Cross Regional Arrangements Group). The school’s finances are managed by the Business Manager who is also responsible for marketing and estate management.
The College is projected to show a healthy surplus at the year end and applicants that are shortlisted will be provided with more detailed information on the school’s accounts.
Following a review of its activities in early 2013, the senior leadership team has identified the following as the key issues for the next phase of the school’s development:
• To review the admission procedures and marketing of the school.
• To consolidate the school’s position as a national leader in the education and support of dyslexic students.
• The development of a Sixth Form.
• Strengthening Performance Management and staff development in the school.
• To complete action arising from the recommendations of the last Ofsted report including further improving systems for the monitoring of pupil progress and reporting to parents.
Our Principal, Mrs Linda Smith is retiring in August of 2014 after a working lifetime in teaching. Pupil numbers have been rising steadily over the last few years and the Governors now seek an inspirational and experienced successor.
For more information please read our School Prospectus.